Thursday, October 6, 2011

Music is something that can inspire, heal... it washes our soul.

     Why do we listen to things over and over again? Repeat things over and over again in our lives? We (or at least me) have to do thing several times before I learn whats good for me, right, wrong, healthy. Not only to your body, but heart and mind. I remember hear a quote, I don't know who said it, but it went something like this.    

  "If you do what you have always done and never do anything different, you will never get anything different then you've always had."

     I guess I am feeling inspired tonight. I've come to realize I need to be different if I want a life I have always dreamed of. It makes complete sense. Why it takes us so long to learn, I don't know. Its painful. 
     I want a change, I wanna know who I am, what makes me, Ariana. I want someone to come up to me one day and ask me who I am and why I am/was put on this earth. I want to be able to have a good answer. I want to "leave my own tattoo" on this world. 
     SO, I am on journey to seek out the answers to those questions. I don't know what that's mean what I will have to do or anything. I am gonna keep taking one day at a time. But look back on each day. Find out what I am good at. What brings life to me. What makes me happy. Makes me wanna live and strive to be that person with the life I want or need. I want to be smart, I want to do things right, be sure about everything I do with anything in life. Know that it is right for Rorie and I. 
     Why I posted this video, I love this song, I love her voice, its beautiful! Rorie loves it too, it puts her to sleep. This song inspired me tonight. Its strange how life is. I'm learning to love it.  

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