Friday, October 7, 2011

Update on Rorie

     Rorie has been doing well, other than she has had a rough night she didn't sleep well. Her Nissan surgery is scheduled for this coming Tuesday, Oct 11. There was a last minute cancellation. Rorie was first in line to get it! Thank goodness she needs it bad. A Nissan is where they wrap the
stomach around the esophagus, it stops reflux (heartburn). In babies
and children like Rorie it can cause them to aspirate, causing pneumonia,
among other problems. This will hopefully prevent Rorie from getting so many pneumonia's.  After the surgery I should be able to feed her more food and different foods. Which will get her bigger for her heart surgery.
     Its also looks like Rorie will need to be on oxygen a lot more, possibly most of the day. She hasn't been maintaining her O2 levels very well on her own. This could be due to fluid still in her lungs it could get better over time as she continues to recover from this hospital stay.

1 comment:

  1. Ariana, this is beautiful. You are so gifted. I love you and be strong like you are.

    Rorie, You are an amazing child. With strength beyond your years. Keep it up and follow your mommies lead.

    I love you both and miss you dearly.
